Ուրբաթ, Յուլիս 26, 2024


Lebanon Celebrates 115 Years of AGBU with Virtual Festivities

AGBU’s longtime commitment to the next generation of global Armenian citizens has been a deep value motivating the organization since its inception. To celebrate and honor the 115th anniversary of AGBU, the Lebanon District organized an online event for the youth on April 15, 2021 titled “115 Years Young” to reflect upon the rich history and success of AGBU while maintaining its integrity throughout the years.

AGBU students pictured in Montreal participated in the virtual event.

To continue the tradition of education, AGBU Lebanon decided to unite children from AGBU chapters and districts from all over the world. During this event, the children played educational guessing and coloring games focused on AGBU’s past, present, and future.

This virtual event brought together children from ages 8 to 12, ranging from AGBU Aleppo, Armenia, Cairo, Damascus, Latakia, Lebanon, Montreal, Plovdiv, to the Los Angeles – area. The children were divided into 16 groups and moderated by a facilitator from Lebanon. Mentors from the stated chapters and districts were present in the groups to observe the group activities.

AGBU students pictured in Montreal participated in the virtual event

Bringing together children during the midst of a global pandemic was a breath of fresh air for students in lockdown. In some of the participant’s countries, schools have completely halted as a result of the constant lockdowns. Therefore, “115 Years Young” not only taught the younger generation of AGBU about the pillars of the network, but also provided them with a day of much-needed fun and entertainment.

“If there is one lesson we learned during the past year with the global pandemic, the Beirut Port Blast, and the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War, is that AGBU’s mandate is as critical today as it was 115 years ago. I felt a sense of fulfillment supporting AGBU Lebanon’s initiative that not only informed Armenian youth but also passed on the spirit of service and unity to future generations,” said Mrs. Arpi Khatcherian from AGBU Cairo.

The success of this event proved AGBU’s distinct capability of bringing together children from uniquely different walks of life and strengthening the bonds between them. “115 Years Young” opened doors for similar activities to take place among children and teenagers. The online gathering proved to be a huge achievement for the organization and reinforced the AGBU motto, in unity there is indeed strength.