Շաբաթ, Մարտ 1, 2025


Community news

“Architects of the Armenian Genocide: The Top-Level Perpetrators”


Dr. Suren Manukyan will speak on “Architects of the Armenian Genocide: The Top-Level Perpetrators” at 7:00PM (Pacific time)/10:00PM (Eastern time) on Friday, September 17, 2021. The presentation is part of the Fall 2021 Lecture Series of the Armenian Studies Program and will be an online presentation. Zoom registration is required: https://bit.ly/armenianstudiesmanukyan1.

Dr. Manukyan is the Kazan Visiting Professor in Armenian Studies at Fresno State for the Fall 2021 semester and is teaching a course on “Introduction to Armenian Studies.”

In the upper circle of perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide were decision-makers. They were responsible for the formulation of the ideology of the Genocide (Ziya Gökalp, Yusuf Akçura), making the decisions on carrying out the genocide (Mehmet Talaat, Ismail Enver), and supervising the course of the massacres (Mehmed Nâzım, Behaeedin Şakir). Decision-makers sent hundreds of thousands of people to death, often without participating in their killings personally.

The perpetrators of this level were high-ranking state officials, party elites, and a few influential individuals, who had a decisive role in masterminding the Armenian Genocide. Dr. Manukyan will discuss these various perpetrators in his lecture.

Dr. Manukyan is the Head of the UNESCO Chair on Prevention of Genocide and Other Atrocity Crimes at Yerevan State University and Head of the Department of Comparative Genocide Studies at the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute (Yerevan). He is also a Visiting lecturer at the American University of Armenia and has been a Fulbright Scholar at the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at the Rutgers University of New Jersey.