Շաբաթ, Մարտ 1, 2025


Arts & Culture։ Fresno State Armenian Series Publishes

Fresno State Armenian Series Publishes

The Committee of Union and Progress: Founders, Ideology, and Structure

Edited by Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Ümit Kurt, and Ara Sarafian

Book to be Introduced at a Virtual Event at 10AM

(Pacific time/1PM New York time)

on Saturday, September 25

The Armenian Studies Program announced the publication of its latest book, The Committee of Union and Progress: Founders, Ideology, and Structure, Volume 13 in the Armenian Series of The Press at California State University, Fresno.

The book will be presented and discussed at a special virtual event to be held at 10AM (Pacific time)/1PM (New York time) on Saturday, September 25. The Zoom registration link for the event is: http://bit.ly/armenianstudiescupbook. Participating in the presentation will be the editors of the book: Dr. Ümit Kurt, Ara Sarafian, and Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian as well as book contributors Dr. Hans-Lukas Kieser and Dr. Dikran Kaligian. The Society for Armenian Studies is a co-sponsor of the presentation.

The volume includes a collection of articles that reflect on Ottoman Armenians and the Turkish nationalist movement of the Committee of Union and Progress before WWI. The articles provide new, critical insights on the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923.

The chapters included in this work were first presented as papers at a conference entitled “The Committee of Union and Progress: Founders, Ideology, and Structure” organized by Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian and Dr. Ümit Kurt, and sponsored by the Armenian Studies Program of California State University, Fresno, between October 12–13, 2018. The papers have since been edited and appear here in a single volume with a new historical introduction and illustrations.

The contents of the book include an “Introduction,” by Ümit Kurt and articles: “The Unionist Regime: Ideology in Command,” by Raymond H. Kévorkian; “Ziya Gökalp, Duumvir,” by Hans-Lukas Kieser; “When Revolutionaries Must Govern: The Vicissitudes of ARF-CUP Relations,” by Dikran Kaligian; “The Post-Revolutionary Period in Aintab and the Curious Case of Necmeddin Bey,” by Ümit Kurt; and “Homeland and Nation Revisited: A Discourse Analysis of the Memoirs of Young Turks,” by Duygu Coşkuntuna.

The Committee of Union and Progress present a new approach to the study of this important period when the CUP came to power,” said Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, general editor of the Armenian Series. “The book will provide scholars with new insights into the political party which ruled the Ottoman Empire from 1908 through the end of World War I. The inner workings of the party are key to understanding the decision which ultimately led to the Armenian Genocide.”

Copies of The Committee of Union and Progress are available for purchase from: Abril Bookstore, http:///abrilbooks.com or the National Association for Armenian Studies & Research (NAASR) Bookstore, https://naasr.org/collections/naasr-bookstore.

For bulk orders please contact the Armenian Studies Program, at 559.278.2669 or by email at barlowd@csufresno.edu.

The Committee of Union and Progress: Founders, Ideology, and Structure; (9 inches x 6 inches, 176pp., $20.00, paper, ISBN: 978-0-912201-73-3). Volume 13 in the Armenian Series of The Press at California State University, Fresno. In English.