Ուրբաթ, Մարտ 14, 2025


Combination Of Three Simple Factors To Reduce Cancer Risk By 61%

Between September and April, experts recommend vitamin D supplements to boost the immune system because the body cannot produce enough chemicals when exposed to the sun, Mediforum reported.

A new study finds that a combination of vitamin D, omega-3 oils and exercise can help reduce the risk of cancer by 61% in people over age 70.

The study found that the combination of these three factors has a significant impact on overall health.

Previous studies have shown that vitamin D can inhibit cancer cell growth. In addition, omega-3 is thought to potentially inhibit the mutation of normal cells into cancer cells.

Exercise, which is most recommended, has been shown to improve the immune response and reduce inflammation. Exercise not only strengthens the immune system, it also helps with weight loss and improves the cardiovascular system.

Although these three have been known to be beneficial, prior to this study, there was little evidence to argue for their benefits against cancer.

This was the case until a study conducted by Dr. Heike Bischoff-Ferrari and their team at the University of Zurich.

The goal of the study is to provide evidence of the power of proactive cancer risk reduction by giving people simple ways to reduce their risk of developing cancer.